
Christina Sørensen - cafkafk

Hi there, I’m Christina (or cafkafk), and I love software.

I’m currently an infrastructure developer at DBC Digital, where I help keep the Danish library infrastructure running on our Danish NixOS datacenters. I also work on systems software for distributed services, and help maintain our fleet or servers, including our self hosted kubernetes cluster. Usually, I tell people that I work with Rust, NixOS, and physical servers, and they get quite envious… sorry!

In my free time, I’m the primary maintainer of eza, as well as being a NixOS committer. I also maintain a bunch of other projects, including serde_norway, unsafe-libyaml-norway, nix-weather, rime, and a bunch of other things.

I’m also a volunteer at LGBT+ Denmark, obsessed with keyboards, and enjoy running and yoga (despite being pretty clumsy).